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Dominic Wolfe's Gagged Beauties
Dominic Wolfe's Gagged Beauties
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Cute Innocent Shelby Taylor Tricked into Being Bound Up, Massively Gagged and Robbed! *A 28 Minute Storyline Video*

2/27/25 6:30 AM28 min1035 MBwmv1080p
Price16.99 EUR


      Shelby meets a man at her favorite local bar and invites him over to her house with the intent on having some "fun" with him, she gets flirty and agrees to play a game of cops and robbers with her new friend.

       He tells Shelby its a fun game just like when they were growing up where she gets taped up and even gagged, he pretends to rob her house and she gets all worked up from being helpless then they have their "fun".

        Giddy and excited the silly girl agrees and before she knows it she is very tightly taped up! Before she can question why she is taped up so tight her mouth is packed and wrapped tightly. The man tells her all she needs to do is say the word "Apple" if she wants or needs to be free for any reason.

      Now Shelby has fun squirming around trying to get free but after 30 minutes she realizes she cannot get free nor say anything, its just massively muffled up Mmmmpphhing!

     When the man finally re-appears he is holding a bag smiling coyly. Shelby tries her best to say Apple over and over again getting madder by the second. She thought she was going to have a fun kinky sex game but instead here she is tightly taped up and very gagged.

      Shelby screams apple again and again but she is completely muffled up and the man laughs at her bends down and tells her she is a dumb ass for letting him tie her up and gag her, he is a real Robber and he opens the bag to show Shelby the jewelry, cash, credit cards and valuables he has! This infuriates Shelby and she starts gag talking like crazy screaming APPLE which only makes the man laugh harder!

         He calls her a dumb girl and laughs as he leaves which puts Shelby into a bound and gagged tirade squirming all over the living room and finally getting her gagged face to the sliding glass doors where she screams APPLE as loud as she can only to be completely muffled up, tightly bound, angry and sexually frustrated.

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