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Foot Tongue Mouth and Vore
Foot Tongue Mouth and Vore
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The Immortal Shrinking Power: A Dream Come True (In German)

1/4/19 8:26 PM16 min1592 MBmp41080p
Price11.49 EUR


(Clip is in German)

This was a custom request and the script we were sent by the customer is exactly as follows although the customer requested that Nadya use German to perform the scene:

The Script

Part 1: 1min30 

I enter inside the room where you are and you are just doing something (reading, cooking, however, choose something to do ?) . I walk in your direction and as you saw me you ask me if I am Quentin. You are happy that I came from France to meet you just because I heard that you can make wishes come true. You tell me that you exactly now what I want, being shrunken and swallowed alive by a woman because that’s my paradise. Your mouth is the entrance to heaven and your stomach my paradise.
You're smiling at me and tell me that you have magic powers that will allow you to shrink me down and to make me immortal at the same time. So how that sounds? I love this idea! 
You come closer to me, give me a kiss and I start shrinking…
Part 2: 3min 
I am on the floor and shrunken. You are standing in front of me and I look upwards to your beautiful legs and giant body. 
First you start showing me and flexing your calves, showing me how powerful they are. After that you turn around to show me and flexing your hamstrings and then you go down on me with them.
Then, you take off your high heels and step slowly on me. In fact I am really immortal, even if you try to crush me, you could not destroy me. Damn! (don’t forget, express your feelings, tell what you think)
Part 2: 1min
After that, you slowly squat down over me. You tell me that it’s time now. You said to me that you just gonna pick me up and swallow me whole like a piece of food. 
You pick me up in your hand and take me in front your face (you can stand up again here if it’s more comfortable for you of course). You can tell me that I won’t get dissolve in your stomach acids, because I am immortal now. You say that I’m going to enjoy eternity in your belly, swimming around, eating and drinking what you will swallow for me. (However, say what you just feel about it)
Part 3: 3 min
Now the best part… You tell me that since it will be pitch black inside of you, I have to enjoy the view of the entry to heaven before you just gobble me up. So you open your mouth very wide to let me have a very close and slow inspection of your beautiful mouth. (In this part I would like to see your throat, a lot of inside mouth views and also some good views of your palate. I also like it wet and with saliva ?)
Part 4: 1min3
After this beautiful mouth tour you start licking your lips, hopping that I will taste good. You lick me slowly one time and then tell me how I taste. You tell me that even if I am immortal, you will just chew me like a little piece of food! Finally you ask me if I'm ready to be a part of you forever and you open up wide and put me slowly inside your mouth.
THE POV (first-person view) ENDS HERE
You start chewing on me (here you can use some real food like a gummy bear) and then swallow me down... (Please film this part close to your mouth and throat as soon as you swallow)
You enjoy the feeling to feel me going down your throat and fall in your stomach. You rub you belly and say  good bye Quentin and enjoy your new life as a part of me forever. (once again, you can add your personal feelings here)

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