How I Was Eaten by A Hungry Snake
(This was a custom request based on the following)
(Hannah is sitting on her bed, looking wistfully out the window. The sheets to her bed are all tangled up and her pants, socks and empty sneakers are next to her bed. She is dressed in a pair of panties and a simple t-shirt. She has a toe-ring on and earrings.)
(Her attitude is calm, melancholic and somewhat sultry. She’s recounting her own demise in the coils of a snake that snuck into her room and devoured her. Her tone is soft, almost sensual. She’s at peace with the fact that she’s been eaten and wants to talk about it. She addresses the camera like it’s a person.)
(The camera will focus in on Hannah’s face and body, giving particular attention to her bare feet, legs and panty-clad bottom – to the comfort of the actress, of course.)
Hey. I’m Hannah. Or…I was. I’m just your typical girl; nothing special – I work, I study, I flirt….have a whole bunch of hobbies, plans for the future….no different than anyone else. Come on in, take a look around. I’m not going anywhere. Not anymore. This is my room. It isn’t much but it worked for me. Always wanted to get around to repainting, maybe add some new decorations. Guess I won’t be doing any of that now. You see, about a week ago a big, hungry snake slithered its way into my room late one night. Don’t know where he came from, don’t know how he got here…but that didn’t matter. He was the last houseguest I’d ever have.
I think he might still be hanging around here – maybe in the basement warming himself by the furnace. Wherever he is, I’m there too although by now….well….I’m not sure how much of me would be left. Haven’t put it together yet? Come closer – I’ll let you in on a little secret. You see, one week ago I got eaten up. Swallowed whole. Headfirst. Head to toe. That big snake made a meal of me. Made me his dinner. J didn’t escape. Nobody saved me. In fact, I’m digesting in his belly even as we speak. Want to hear about it? Here, take a look. It happened right over here.
Don’t know how he got in, but I was lying on my bed, just like this when he found me. It was after a long day of work. I was tired, I was alone….all I was thinking about was kicking off my shoes and getting to I took off my shoes….my socks. Didn’t even put them away, just left them right on the floor. They’re still there now. See them? (She picks up one of her shoes, sighs) Won’t be putting these on ever again. Must have spent a minute or two rubbing my sore, bare feet. Always appreciated a good foot massage. After that I slipped out of my pants, rested on my bed in nothing but my panties and my t-shirt. I’ll demonstrate (she lies down on her belly, feet up so we can see her soles). Just like this; carefree and completely helpless. Guess I must’ve looked like quite the target for a passing, hungry snake. My window had been left open. Maybe he crawled in while I was playing around on my phone and gently kicking my legs back and forth. I was flirting with a real cute girl I’d met earlier that day. Just some fun, playful stuff. It’d be the last thing I’d ever do….
The snake pounced, bit me right here on the left shoulder. Looped two heavy coils over me. I didn’t stand a chance. This monster was strong. Must have been close to twenty feet long. It kept me pinned face down on my mattress, my arms pinned to my side. I tried to call for help, tried to struggle…but it squeezed all the air and resistance out of me in one, long squeeze. My bare feet trembled on my bedsheets, ankles together and toes clenching. I could tell this creature wasn’t in a hurry. It knew I was no match for it. That it had no need to rush things. I was already doomed. Already food. It didn’t even need to squeeze the life out of me first. It decided to swallow me while I was still alive. Every inch. Every bit.
(Camera travels up and down Hannah’s body, lingering on her legs, butt and feet as she continues.)
I remember looking up into its mouth, watching its lips part and being made to stare down the dark, wet throat. Knowing that’s where I was going. That nobody was going to save me. I pouted and struggled and begged breathlessly but nothing was going to change my fate. I was going to be devoured. My entire body sliding between its jaws bit by bit until I was completely gone. And that’s exactly what happened. Starting with my head, feeling its teeth creeping over the back of my skull, watching the bony floor of its mouth drop over me. It didn’t take very long, considering. I don’t think I was the biggest meal this snake had ever eaten. It made short work of me. Taking in my head, then my shoulders. All I could do was whimper and squirm, my fingers clutching at the bedsheets, trying desperately to keep myself from being pulled into this monster’s mouth.
Picture on my bed, lying on my belly, only capable of little squirms and kicks as more and more of my body was devoured. It savored my hips, my butt – soft and fit and wrapped only in the thin fabric of my panties. I felt my cheeks clench as they squished into the snake’s throat, my thighs pressed tightly together, my fingers splayed against my skin. I lost consciousness soon after, but you can imagine how it must have looked as the snake finished off the rest of me. Bare legs, now motionless, sliding across my sheets. Bare feet, soles exposed, toes twitching ever so slightly. Must have been a real treat by the time the snake reached my ankles. My feet pressed together, sliding back over the rows of thin, sharp teeth. The last anyone would see of me would be my toes crowding together in the back of the snake’s throat before it closed its lips and sent the last of me sliding down its tight throat and into the belly. I was expired about a minute later, perishing in that lightless, airless, living tomb of a stomach. The snake relished the feeling, giving a content belch and slithering off to find a quiet place to digest.
And it did. It was the weekend. Nobody was expecting me anywhere for at least a few days. It could take its time. Focus all its energies on digesting every last trace of poor, little me. You could hear its belly groaning and gurgling for hours afterwards. My clothes, my bones and everything in between was broken down and absorbed. Only a few inorganic items got spat up – my earrings, a toe ring, but nothing else. I doubt I was that snake’s first female victim and I’m sure I won’t be its last. Considering how much it seemed to enjoy me, I’m sure it’s out in the streets looking for a new young woman to devour. Who knows. All I know was that I was nothing but a tasty, nutritious meal for that monster and that my disappearance has yet to be solved. Maybe it never will….and my empty shoes and socks will be all that’ll be left of poor, devoured Hannah….
(Camera moves down and lingers on her shoes and socks on the floor as camera fades to black)
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