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Foot Tongue Mouth and Vore
Foot Tongue Mouth and Vore
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Saca Tu Lengua! - Stick Your Tongue Out! (FF Kissing and Tongue Sucking In Spanish)

12/14/23 3:20 PM9 min1068 MBmp41080p
Price8.49 EUR


(This clip is in Spanish)

The strict boss of a company calls an empolee into her office and chastises her on her untidiness, criticising the way she is dresed and her hair etc. The employee is a rather shy, wallflower kind of girl and takes the ear bashing quietly.

Just then the boss tells her: 'Stick out your tongue!". The shy girl does as she is told but is nontheless confused. Her boss then sucks hard on her tongue causing her to be extremely shocked but she doesn't want to cause a fuss so lets the scene unfold. The boss takes full advantage of her passivity and enjoys her authority over the girl before sendining her on her way, ashamed and confused.

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