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Watch This At Work

11/26/22 7:00 AM8 min1263 MBmp41080p
Price9.49 EUR


I know going to work day after day feels pointless and repetitive. Let me remind you why you're really working. Your true purpose is so much more than this: you work so you can serve me better. Working more means making more money, which means more clips, more tributes -- serving me more. I know you want to be the best servant you can for me, and this is exactly how you do that. You need to start working more. Take on some overtime, pick up some extra shifts. Your boss will suddenly think you're a much better employee! But they don't know your true boss is ME. You live to serve me, spoil me, and make me happy, and working more is what makes that happen. I know work feels monotonous and you'd much rather be home jerking your dick, but you need to be at work. You need to work even more. Don't you want to buy even more clips? Don't you want to send me more, BIGGER tributes? Play this clip on a loop, put in your headphones and just listen to it if you have to. Watch it over and over, let me continuously remind you of who you're really working for. I won't let you forget why you're working so hard.

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