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DEBTcember: Week 2

12/12/22 10:35 PM4 min652 MBmp41080p
Price18.99 EUR


You're a part of my game now. Week 1 was fun, but we're just getting started! This week, I want you to go further for me. It was fun dipping your toes in and spending a little, knowing you're running up your credit card balance just a tiny bit, but this time you need more. This video is a good start -- it's more expensive than last week and gives you a taste of spending more on me -- but I know you're itching to really lose control and go hard for me. You can already feel your cock getting hard just thinking about binging on my clips and sending a fat tribute! Go ahead and start jerking your cock, I know you want to (but you know the rules! Only edging!!). Edge thinking about how hot it's going to be to get your credit card statement and see a bigger balance than ever, and know that you went so deep into debt all for me! It's going to be so hard to recover from being so financially fucked, but it makes you sooo horny. You know what to do -- get to work racking up that debt. Go harder this week. Binge on clips, clear my wishlist, send tributes, and be ready for any PTV messages I send. And be ready to edge, of course.

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