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11/4/23 9:00 PM13 min1949 MBmp41080p
Price13.49 EUR


I'm in a bad mood today, and somehow it's your fault. You've screwed up in some way and deserve to be punished for it. You're going to eat your cum for me -- I don't care if you think it's gross. You SHOULD think it's gross! This isn't supposed to be fun for you, you're being punished. Jerk your dick while I remind you of how much of a colossal fuckup you are. You seriously need to get your life together and be BETTER at everything, otherwise you're just going to end up right back here being repeatedly punished. Work harder and do better and make sure you're doing everything you can to keep me in a good mood so I don't have to keep punishing you like this! At the end I give you a countdown and make you eat all of your cum. Really think about it while it's in your mouth: you need to associate this flavor with punishment.

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