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Walhalla Street
Walhalla Street

You can start toe wiggling over with the silver nails (Part 3) MP4 FULL HD 1080p

3/15/23 5:30 AM15 min1264 MBmp41080p
Price15.49 EUR
CategoryToe Wiggling
Related CategoriesN/A



I am writing you in order to end our "break" and to ask you to please resume making toe curling videos for me! Starting on Monday. If you agree, then you can make everything the same exact way as before but with this added detail:

In the screenshot attached to this email, you will see your right foot in the perfect position from a previous video. Can you please make the right side videos just like the screenshot? The camera is perfect, and your right foot is as close as possible. And it shows the tip of your right big toe. I love seeing the tip of your right big toe when you curl them hard!

As for the colors, you can start over with the silver!

I hope that you are willing to resume making these videos for me! Thank you in advance!

With toe curl love,





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