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Walhalla Street
Walhalla Street

Showing your panties MP4 FULL HD 1080p

4/12/24 3:24 PM14 min1054 MBmp41080p
Price14.49 EUR


CLIP REQUEST:Hello lovely Walhalla,
And excellent, I do have a simple idea if you were interested?
I thought if you would like to wear that purple, white, and grey sweater/dress (like in the image) as well as those purple socks if you still have them.
I also thought you could wear those black and white striped panties as well.
The first half of the video could have you picking things up from the floor (could be clothes or something) in such a way that when you bend over, your panties are showing.
You could pick up maybe 6 items or something, maybe at some point you pretend like something is behind your bed or couch, so you lean over your bed or couch, further showing your panties.

The second half of the video would be you on your bed, relaxing, while reading a book, or maybe while on your phone, with panties showing (like in the images).
After a few minutes, you notice that the camera man is watching you, but you are happy to see him.
You can pretend he asks you what you're reading, or what you're looking at on your phone, and you can answer to him what your book is about,
or what you were looking at through your phone.
You then tell the camera man that you have new stories to tell, but you will tell them to him next time, as you want to continue relaxing with your book and phone.
You however invite the camera man to stay and watch, and you can mention that you love when he keeps you company.
I hope you like the idea, and I always enjoy seeing videos where you relax, just as much as the videos when you are performing some action moves.
As always, I will gladly send you a Tribute as well.
Many thanks,

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