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'THE BLACK WIDOW!' Video Download featuring Onyx Kim - "MOBILE (MP4)"

5/9/21 9:05 AM19 min623 MBmp4720p
Price15.49 EUR


Video Resolution: MP4 MOBILE (856x482)  |  Video Length: 19 Minutes

Click HERE for High Definition Version

This is a custom video in which the tall, leggy Korean cutie named Onyx Kim portrays an hitwoman who is named after a lethal spider that eliminates her prey after sex!

But in this scenario, there will be no sex just plenty of pain for her helpless victim!

Watch as the sexy hitwoman slips into his room while he's napping wearing a long coat, high heels and a black thong bikini!

He wakes up and is startled to find her standing beside his bed as she begins to introduce herself while unzipping her coat to reveal her very revealing attire underneath.

She asks him, "Have you ever heard of Black Widow spiders? Pretty LETHAL type of spiders!".

Then she climbs on top of the man while pinning his arms down and tells him how Black Widows destroys their mate after sex but "We're not having sex!".

She then rolls him over into a front head scissors followed by vicious SCISSOR CHOPS while asking him..."Feel tight around your neck...huh!?".

For you HOM (hand over mouth) fans, you'll get plenty of that as The Black Widow loves combining eye-popping pressure while him with her powerful hands!

And in what our victim told us after the shoot was the most painful hold, watch as The Black Widow pulls his hands through her legs stretching his arms out straight while scissoring his neck with her ankles and feet!

Then it's back to more BRUTAL scissors and figure-4's where at one point, she isn't satisfied with how she initially applies the figure-4 because it's not tight enough so she loosens up a little bit, pulls his chin up and then really tucks her calf underneath his chin to get a BRUTAL GRIP on his neck!

In the end the Black Widow finishes the job in CRUSHING fashion sending him off to the after life in a SKULL-CRUSHING reverse head scissor!

Don't miss Onyx Kim in 'The Black Widow!'.

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