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'JERK OFF TO THIS!' Video Download featuring Miss Mia - Full High Definition (MP4)

2/17/25 12:05 PM15 min1137 MBmp41080p
Price14.99 EUR


Video Resolution: MP4 Full High Definition (1920x1080)  |  Video Length: 15 Minutes

We love working with new models that totally get it when it comes to BRUTAL SCISSORS, and new ScissorVixen, Miss Mia, definitely gets it!

And we also like to work with girls of all shapes and sizes and Miss Mia may fool some of you into thinking …”Oh come on, she is too thin to make me or any man SUBMIT to her thighs!”.

Oh …how WRONG you are for those who foolishly believe that!

I mean …just look at our victim’s incredibly BRIGHT, RED face from Miss Mia’s BRUTAL SQUEEEEZE!

Not much oxygen getting to his brain once Mis Mia decides to POUR IT ON and that she does for most of this video!

It quickly turned into a TAPFEST from the start!

In this video, imagine jerking off in bed watching a scissor video when your girlfriend walks in and catches you!

Some guys may get embarrassed but not this guy!

She asks him the obvious …”Uh, what are you doing!?” and he shamelessly replies …”Jerking off to some porn!”.

Well, if Miss Mia is your girl …jerking off to anything but her should not be required or allowed!

Miss Mia says …”Oh, so this is what you like!?” then proceeds to see just how much he likes it beyond just being a spectator!

Let the CRUSHING begin!

Miss Mia starts out with a BRUTAL scissor from behind his neck as his face turns all different shades of colors before finally settling on BRIGHT RED!

After he taps out …she moves to her favorite …an EYE-POPPING reverse head scissor where she likes to pull his head deep into her ass while at the same time, applying skull-crushing pressure!

She then grabs him by the hair (something else she seems to like to do) and uses it to pull him DEEP into a front head scissors!

Once she has it clamped on, knowing he has not a chance in hell of getting out, she casually plays with her finger nails and says …”Hmmm …I think I can stay here all day!”.

Well …Miss Mia no doubt could stay there the whole day but there is no way he can take her SQUEEEEZE for more than a few seconds!

Listen as she tells him, “I’m going to CRUSH your fucking neck!”, while applying a side reverse head scissors, followed by a devilish giggle and of course frantic tapout by him!

She finally pulls his beaten body to the edge of the bed and hangs his head over it!

At this point …she has completely BROKEN him but for her own enjoyment, Miss Mia wants to punish him a little bit more starting with a standing front head scissors while asking him …”Do you like this view!?”.

Well, it’s kind of hard to enjoy the view if he can no longer see from all of Miss Mia’s blinding scissors!

Then after another tapout …she finally finishes him off with a insanely SEXY standing reverse head scissor in which she violently pulls his head up as deep as possible, slaps her gorgeous ass a few times as if to tease him, and then really pours it on for good measure until he succumbs to her final squeeeze!

So for those contemplating a session with Miss Mia, she is well worth it, if you don’t mind a ‘little squeeze’ from a petite but GORGEOUS Latina girl he can literally pop your head off!

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