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Southern Giantess
Southern Giantess
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Krystal Puts Tiny Famous Singer To Shame And Causes Her Intense Pain!

1/13/22 6:25 AM15 min552 MBmp41080p
Price12.49 EUR
KeywordsIn Shoe


Krystal absolutely hates Suzy Bae, a famous Korean singer, and already has the pathetic bitch hanging out in her stinky colored nylons! Not only does she mock the Asian bitch throughout the entire video, but she plans on keeping her firmly stuck to the bottom of her bare sole inside her sexy nylons until the bitch is as flat as she could possibly get!Krystal constantly steps on the famous singer and eventually flattens her until she's unrecognizable! After viciously stepping, grinding, and smothering her with her stinky nylons, Krystal finally ends her miserable life and places her tiny crushed body inside her shoes with plans on wearing and carrying the famous bitches lifeless body with her from now on, wherever she goes!

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