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Southern Giantess
Southern Giantess
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Kristen Is In Your Dreams!

2/17/24 6:00 AM16 min728 MBmp41080p
Price14.49 EUR


Kristen walks in dressed as Alice in Wonderland from head to toe, her step-son is on the floor shrunk, she is confused looking at her costume, twirling around in her outfit! She then notices her shrunk step-son on the floor and realizes he is in the dream with her! She remembers how obsessed her step-son was with Alice in Wonderland! They both use to watch it over and over until the tape wore out! She thinks to herself that surely he has grown out of that by now! She thinks and finally puts two and two together, and realizes he is still obsessed with Alice in Wonderland, and to top it off, he is also fantasizing about his step-mom as Alice now! She starts to humiliate him with his weird fetish telling him she can squish him so quick and rid of him forever! He keeps shrinking as Kristen is talking to him about his strange fetish, before she knows it he's as small as a grain of rice in the palm of her hands! She then takes off her flats and stockings going bare, where she can really feel his tiny body crunch under her bare sole! Watch Kristen get rid of her tiny step-son that has a strange obsession!

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