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Sweet Southern Feet SSF
Sweet Southern Feet SSF
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I Dont Want To Go Out With You!

12/29/24 6:05 AM24 min1129 MBmp41080p
Price17.99 EUR
CategoryFoot Fetish
KeywordsHigh Heels


Cora is coming to show a house today, as she arrives and sits on the porch and lights up her cigarette. She then talks about her boos wanting to go out with her and how she isn't into him like that. Suddenly her boss calls and asks if the clients has showed up yet, she tells him no not yet. He then starts pleading to her wanting to go out with her and Cora tells him no he isn't her type, he starts pleading and Cora just keeps blowing him off. He then breaks the bad news and tells her that actually no one is coming and to go inside he wanted her here alone! If she leaves he will have her arrested for stealing money, Cora cant believe what he just said as she goes inside. Cora starts getting really nervous as she sits down on the chair. He then starts texting her telling her to remove her heels and flex them on the floor for him. After awhile she then gets told to remove her pantyhose and shirt. Cora does as shes told. Then he wants her to remove her skirt where he can see her panty bra and bare soles and toes! Looks like boss man is getting his way! Cora then gets told to lay on the couch and give him a good foot show!

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