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Violet Rose vs Kody Evans: These Are Mine

4/5/24 12:05 AM20 min2972 MBmp41080p
Price19.99 EUR
CategoryFeet Fight


Violet Rose confronts Kody Evans, well aware of her MO. She tells Kody that there is no way she's putting her feet on her, like she has done to a number of our baes recently. Kody, wearing her signature Vans just smirks but the petit brunette wipes that away as she attacks and dominates Kody. She uses her own Chucks to beat the blond down, kicking, stomping, and just standing on her. It looks like she is on her way to a dominating victory until Kody is able to reverse a body scissors. Now that she's in control, Kody uses her Vans to both hurt and humiliate her brunette all the while twisting her toes and ankles. After Kody pulls off Violet Rose's shoes and socks, she sets about putting them in the brunette's face. Violet Rose is determined not to let that happen but will she be able to hold off the relentless fetish model or will she end up like the others, smelling Kody's feet. And what will the final indignity be?

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