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Blasphemy Sin Unlimited 666
Blasphemy Sin Unlimited 666
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There Is No God But Satan, Surrender To Satan

3/31/22 11:10 PM11 min197 MBmp4720p
Price14.49 EUR
Related CategoriesN/A


Ever since you have been indoctrinated into Satanism, you know the ultimate truth of life and beyond, you know there is no God but only Satan. Satan is your only one true God. There is no other entity close to him ever. Forget any and every other God as your God is one and only Satan. Satan is everything and even more for you. You will surrender your life, soul, body, heart to Satan and Satan alone. Follow none else but Satan only. As you become such an obedient chosen one of Satan, you feel so blessed and calm and you can feel his presence in your life, within yourself all the time. Satan is the almighty, and Satan is omnipresent. You love to submit and surrender wholeheartedly to Satan and give into Satanism forever.

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