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Helenas Feet High Heels Tights Legs
Helenas Feet High Heels Tights Legs
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my Louboutin high heel falls into the river and_floats_away_new wmv 1280 x 720

10/4/24 5:19 AM15 min2058 MBwmv720p
Price15.49 EUR
CategoryOne Shoe


On my way home I pass through a large park. It is already late and I have already walked a long way. My feet hurt and my tights are sticking to my feet from sweat. I sit down on a park bench to rest and relax my feet a little. I let my shoe dangle from my toe. People who walk by can see my red-painted toenails in my light-colored tights. A little later I walk further and come to a bridge. I stop and look at the river under the bridge. On the bridge I let my Christian Louboutin high heel dangle from my toe again. Suddenly I lose my shoe and the shoe falls into the river. My shoe quickly floats away in the river and is gone. Oh no, now I have to walk home with only one shoe. It is still a long way. My tights will definitely get ruined and the soles of my feet will get really dirty. But I like that.

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