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Mr Smith Bondage Beauties
Mr Smith Bondage Beauties
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Defiant feisty Swedish babe Miss K is taught a bondage lesson by her coworker; tightly tied up, intensely gagged and left to struggle in a nude escape attempt

3/1/25 6:17 AM12 min982 MBmp41080p
Price10.49 EUR


Stunning sexy Swedish babe Miss K is back! She looks hotter than ever in this dynamic scene where a coworker has decided he will teach her a lesson for her bad behavior in the office by tying her up massively gagging her and leaving her to struggling. The snit putting up a gagtalking intense nude escape attempt struggle after being left bound and gagged is a sight to behold.

The clip begins with Miss K already naked, sitting on a bed with her upper body and arms tightly and heavily bound behind her back. Her hair is worn up in a tight ponytail and she is not terribly happy about the situation! Soon her captor, an office coworker, appears on the scene and lets her know that she needs to be taught a lesson for her feisty behavior as Miss K mouths off at him.

The mouthing off does not last long as a hand is clamped over her sassy mouth and the man who has tied her up lets her know it is time to SHUT HER UP by cramming something in that big mouth of hers. Quickly and efficiently even whilst she fights her nasty mouth is completely filled with 2 full sized white hankies and then sealed shut with strip after strip of seriously sticky nashua duct tape. Miss K has been a dominatrix in the past and laughed at the idea of anyone ever tying her up. In fact even in previous bondage content she has shot when challenged with getting her gag off she has ALWAYS been able to get herself ungagged with maximum effor.t Here, she 100% was not and 100% was genuinely trying to get the stifling handkerchiefs out of her aching jaws. The absolutely true real deal of a gag working against a fighting snit.

After completing Miss K's intense gag her legs are very tightly taped up with duct tape and she is left to struggle, to squirm, to try and scream past the thick cotton cloth that fills her cheeks but her cries for help are extremely muffled and it is hard to discern a single word she tries to say.

Her very pretty bare feet are also taped together I must add, and her hair gets let down to let her shake it all out after her gag is complete as well.

Miss K's fury and wide eyed facial expressions are seriously hot in her bondage struggle, reminiscent of classic Dominic Wolfe nude escape attempt videos.

The scene ends with Miss K's captor returning to ask if she has learnt her lesson yet, and lets her know her gag will come off as long as she promises not to scream. Unfortunately for Miss K it is clear that one round of bondage wasn't nearly enough for the lesson she needs. She of course smirks and smiles as she has enjoyed the roleplay but it is shortly time for round 2.

Bondage, rope, rope bondage, mouth stuffing, mouth packing, gagging, onscreen gagging, bound, gagged, bound and gagged, swedish, swede, scandinavian, miss k, misskae96, nz, new zealand, kiwi, accent, tied up, overpowered, helpless, feisty, domme, dominatrix, muffled, muffled screams, wolfe, dominic, dominic wolfe, hanky, hankies, hanky gagged, handkerchief, wrapgagged, wrap gagged, wraparound gagged, nude escape attempt, barefoot, barefoot bondage, handgagged, hand gagged, did, hand over mouth

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