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Meaty legs of miss A

11/23/22 10:19 AM9 min1143 MBmp41080p
Price11.49 EUR
CategoryToe Tapping


I am waiting to go to a party and yes my taxi is late so I have to wait. My car broke down so I have to go to the garage finally there I had to wait again in a waiting room full of men. When I got into the waiting room I noticed that the conversations stopped and turned into staring... at my legs. I JUST SIT AND WAIT FLEXING MY LEGS IN MY SHORT SKIRT AND I GUESS I SHOWED A LOT OF THIGHS! Hihihi. My legs are in good shape and meaty in the first place I do notice. And not only me high. I did some tapping and leg crossing and all the men are staring... stunned by looking at my thick meaty well-shaped legs and thick meaty thighs and all in black heels. I hope you guys enjoyed I hear my car is finished.

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