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Edge Of Insanity - The Complete Phase 3

4/26/23 12:34 AM31 min2249 MBmp41080p
Price21.99 EUR


This Video Contains:

Edge Of Insanity - Part 8: No End In Sight and Edge Of Insanity - Part 9: Cock Control in a Special Discount Package Price!

This particular bondage night holds a special place for me in this whole “Edge training my man to insanity” adventure. See, my in-laws were in town for the week (hubbies parents) and they were staying with us! The day they arrived, I noticed a weird shift in him, like there was an even bigger hop in his step than usual? I figured he was just extra happy to be seeing his parents, right?

I found out later that night, that the real reason he was excited, was because he thought that their visit would mean the end of his edge training!? Like I wouldn’t keep him all flustered, pent up and horny AF while his parents were in town? I honestly thought that after all this time, he knew just how mean I was… I couldn’t care a less if his parents were in town AND in the next room just across the hall from our bedroom!

That why, that same night, he found himself tied to the bed like he was on my own personal edging pole, for a very erotic reminder that his edge training isn’t over until I say it’s over… And right now, I see no ending in sight!

The Following Night...

I found it quite laughable (and somewhat annoying tbh) that he actually thought I was gonna let him cum the other night, just because his family was staying with us for the week! I could care a less about how horny, frustrated and insanely pent up he was for their visit… That sounds like a him problem! It also sounds like I’ve got his mind and cock right where I want it, under my control, and I like getting what I want. I always get what I want.

That’s why, the very next evening, with my in-laws once again in the next room, my little sex toy found himself tied in the exact same position! I was going to use my frustration with him, to give a firm reminder of who his cock really belongs to… A firm reminder of who owns him.

I made one slight adjustment to his edge training though. I decided he would be locked in his cock and ball ring for the duration of it! I wanted him to feel his dick uncontrollably dance for me, as I sucked, stroked, licked, kissed and teased his helpless aching body! And I stoked him, oh did I stroke him! I stroked him as if I was gonna milk him dry! I stoked him until he begged me to not stop!

Every time he got to close, I tickled his pits and nipples until he cooled down just enough to be pumped to the edge of orgasm again.

(Did I mention that when his edge training finally does come to an end, it will be time for his No Mercy Milking? But those are adventures for future nights…)

xoxo -Gwen

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