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Faith Eros
Faith Eros
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2/16/23 1:08 PM14 min976 MBmp41080p
Price14.49 EUR
CategoryToe Tapping


Hey you, step-dadder - you are NOBODY just a LOVER of my step-mommy! Now when your step-daughter is all grown-up she came after your PERVERTED COCK to remind you of those days when you OBJECTIFIED her for the first time and approached her BODY in a SEXUAL MANNER. 

Now ONLY I can relieve this PAIN of yours, step-dadder, that has accumulated in your BALLS. You would ask me ... how? Well, very easy ... by cutting your COCK off. If you had a CLIT too, step-dadder, I would feel myself more SECURE in this house. 

I have to confess, step-dadder, I set up the camera in the shower to find out what SIZE is your COCK. Yup, different sizes need different type of to cut it off. So let me STROKE your cock with that SHARP BLADE of my k***e. By the way, step-dadder, your little JOE has increased in size after your step-daughter has performed all those SEXUAL things on you. So here is the DEAL ... if you CUM now and shoot that HOT LOAD inside my MOUTH I will slice your little JOE off immediately. And I'm not playing GAMES with you anymore, my lovely step-dadder! It's time for you to start treating me as an ADULT PERSON and not as your lil girl I used once to be!!


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