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Faith Eros
Faith Eros
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9/7/24 10:14 AM14 min979 MBmp41080p
Price14.49 EUR


I ordered a burger and a fizzy drink at the fast food place. When I started eating it I could already feel that it tasted somehow funny ... somehow strange ... like if it was spoilt. I tried my best to resist it ... but it seems that they put special flavours into it so it would be impossible to say NO to it. After I finished the whole of the burger I started feeling myself unwell. This fucking junk food gave me an upset stomach. I started rubbing my tummy in circles in a hope to reduce pain ... as it was aching so damn bad. I even tried to vomit this fucking burger out in fear that I might have food poisoning but it just won't come up. I was able only to produce a bit of saliva and that's it! Nothing else would come up! I lay back down and rub my bare belly, which feels oddly swollen now- I must be bloated. I even can't really understand if the cause of my tummy pain was burger or a fizzy drink?! I start to get a little feverish and delirious, tossing and turning. You can see something starts tmoving in my belly, something twitching and swelling. I moan in pain and mumble in my fever. It gets bigger and and twitches in my stomach. This unclear situation with my tummy scared the shyte out of me ... that's when I said that I feel there is something in me trying to get out of my body through my clit! Then suddenly I start feeling the urge to pee ... to piss this fucking poisonous monster out of me! That's when it starts fighting inside of me as it wants to exit my body through my belly but I oppose this idea! When finally my struggle is over ... it turns out that inside my belly was a little alien. It seems someone laid an alien egg on my burger.

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