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Smoking Angie
Smoking Angie
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My 1000 and 1001 cigarette on camera! Chain smoking and talking about the evolution of my addiction!

9/30/24 12:00 AM14 min693 MBmp41080p
Price15.99 EUR


Tonight, we are celebrating: I’m about to smoke my 1000th cigarette on camera!

How cool is that? Of course, I want to share it with you and talk about this pleasure we both enjoy, more than a habit it’s a lifestyle and it’s worth celebrating an important milestone like this one.

There’s only one way to properly do it and you know it, so let me get my pack, take a look at the special sexy outfit I chose for the occasion, how I did my hair and my makeup and let’s light up my 1000th cigarette!

I was thinking that if I’ve smoked so much on camera, how many more have I already smoked off camera in all these years? It’s really a lot, specially for a daily smoker as addicted as I am. Different brands, from the classics like Marlboro or Camel to Virginia Slims and Dunhills, from the light ones, menthol and the strong classic tobacco. I try them all, smoke them eagerly up to the filter and then immediately start thinking about the next one.

I want to talk about the evolution of this addiction, how it started and how it’s going, some of the experiences I’ve had and lots of other stuff only us smokers can understand so take your time and let’s enjoy together!

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