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Bondage Kitties
Bondage Kitties
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Spies VS Spy - Spanish (sub:English), MP4, FULLHD 1080

1/10/25 11:30 AM26 min1330 MBmp41080p
Price12.99 EUR


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Espionage Rivalry: Bound for Victory

Brigi and Aly, two skilled spies, sneak into a house to retrieve confidential documents. Although their intel suggests the house is empty, they are surprised to see the lights on. To their shock, they encounter Lex, a rival spy from a competing agency who has sabotaged their missions in the past.

Scene One: Lex Gains the Upper Hand

Brigi and Aly attempt to subdue Lex; however, she fights back with skill and determination. A sudden headbutt knocks Aly K.O., leaving Brigi to face Lex alone. Since Brigi loses her balance, Lex quickly overpowers her. Then, she pins Brigi down and ties her hands behind her back. Moreover, she secures Brigi’s arms and chest with ropes in a takate. As Brigi tries to protest, Lex silences her by stuffing a ballgag into her mouth. Consequently, Brigi’s muffled gag talk fills the room as Lex finishes the binding, tying Brigi’s knees and ankles before placing her in a tight hogtie.

Lex shifts her attention to Aly, who begins to stir. Before Aly can react, Lex drags her down and binds her hands and legs. Consequently, Aly finds herself completely restrained. As her Martens boots thud against the floor, Lex smirks, leaving the two spies helpless and humiliated.

Scene Two: A Determined Escape

Despite their tight bindings, Brigi and Aly work together to escape. Initially, Brigi inches closer to Aly, using her teeth and determination to loosen the ropes. After freeing herself, she quickly unties Aly. With their teamwork and resilience, the spies regain their strength and confront Lex. Finally, they gain control of the situation.

Scene Three: Revenge on Lex

Brigi and Aly drag Lex to the living room, obligates her onto the floor. Using tape bondage, they tie her hands behind her back and secure her chest tightly. For extra humiliation, they shove the same saliva-soaked ballgag into Lex’s mouth, reducing her complaints to frustrated mmmmphhh sounds.

The duo doesn’t stop there. Instead, they bind Lex’s legs in a futomomo bondage, leaving her completely immobile. Her once-commanding Martens boots now rest motionless as she struggles. Retrieving the stolen documents, Brigi and Aly leave triumphantly. Meanwhile, Lex writhes on the floor, unable to escape. Will she break free, or will the tenant return to find her bound and defeated?

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