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21 Questions 4K

9/10/24 12:55 PM44 min5607 MBmp44k
Price18.99 EUR
CategoryBig Tits


Heard you had big boobs. How big? What bra size? Do you get a lot of attention? Do you hate when guys stare at your boobs? Are they really sensitive if they get hit or pulled? Can I see them? I have had older women bend over in front of me and I can see down their shirt - is that an accident or are they doing it on purpose. Do they know? Do younger people like me check you out? How old are you? How should guys play with boobs? Hard or soft? Do women really actually squirt when they orgasm - or is that … something else lol? I know about where a woman's urethra is, but how come men don’t accidentally stick in that hole? Do women hate anal and do they only do it for men? What is the biggest thing you ever got in you vagina or ass. Did it hurt? How many fingers can you get in? Can you get whole fist in? Do you swallow cum and what does it taste like? Ever been groped in public or by someone you did not know? What did/would you do? Ever let a stranger see or touch your boobs? When did you have sex or oral first time? How old were you when you first had boobs grabbed? What is the craziest thing you ever done sexually?

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