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Catherine Sterling
Catherine Sterling
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Sweater Secretary Snatched by Removal Man, Frantically Attempts Escape! DiD! WMV Version

11/12/24 8:45 PM20 min495 MBwmv480p
Price23.49 EUR


Video #0126 Moving Day Bondage

Release Date: February 24th, 2023

Starring: Catherine Sterling and Ben

Additional Production: Sandra Silvers and XSiteAbility at Silverdale Studios


Catherine had found an apartment across town, close to her office job, she could trot to work rather than tackle the subway in stiletto high heels each day. She was excited, but first the packing and moving all these boxes… Luckily the slender blond had found a man with a van to help her out, his number posted on a card in the convenience store window. Luckily for him, the broad shouldered bloke thought, when he pulled his removal truck up outside the house. This chick in her tight wool, low cut red sweater, pencil skirt and pantyhose, would do just fine for keeping him company on the road. He’d tie her up nice and tight with a mouth stuffing tape gag to keep her quiet till he came back after dark, then fill his vehicle with all the girls packages and the delightful damsel herself!  Try as she might to attempt escape the rope restraints hold on to her arms, severe bondage in nylon pinching her nerves, hands going numb, fingers useless… the locked door foiling her valiant efforts as she sinks to her knees in tears to await her fate.


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