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Seductive Studios
Seductive Studios
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Step-sister Sleuths Detective Agency - Case 2 - Part 2

3/3/25 2:51 PM22 min889 MBmp41080p
Price17.99 EUR
Related CategoriesBondage,Orgasm Control


The Step-sister Sleuths Detective Agency is BACK IN ACTION! In this case, we meet the
third step-sister of the Agency—Luna. Maddy is out of town on assignment so “red headed
middle step-sister” Luna “fills in” to help “the boss” Abby.

For this case, Step-sister Sleuths has been contacted by the family of a somewhat notable
fitness athlete Daphne Wilson to investigate because their step-daughter Daphne has
appeared to go missing for about two weeks. While the authorities are looking into this
as a missing persons case, Daphne’s wealthy family thinks it might be something else!

It seems that the only “lead” to the case may be that over the past few months Daphne
had started working with a woman named Evie—it seems that Evie is an exclusive
personal trainer who specializes in working with fitness athletes and bodybuilders—
often using various training methods including wrestling. Over the time period, Evie and
Daphne have “developed a more than professional relationship” however, the authorities have “checked out” Evie and all seems legit. This is where our story begins as Detective Abby gets off the phone with the Wilson family and fills Luna in on the details of the case at the office.

Classic DiD video with lots of sexy bondage!

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