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Over My Lap You GO (FULL HD) - Lady Mystique

9/7/17 7:40 AM7 min231 MBmp41080p
Price7.99 EUR
CategorySpanking F/m


time for another phantastic actionclip and classic spanking clip with gorgeous german pro dom lady mystique! this is a role play clip as its finest with lady mystique in the role of the head teacheress and our slave as a lousy pupil. "well pupil, i heard again that you looked under skirts of your female collegues. as they do some exercises in sports you did it again. so i told you, if you do it again, i will punish you! so today is your time for punishments. trousers down and get over my lap!"

and then she starts to spank him. first with her bare hands. "well there are still some marks visible from latest punishments and you are again here over my lap."

the poor pupil cries out in pain, but lady mystique shows no mercy with his backside that starts to glow bright red more and more.

he struggles and struggles all around but it even gets more worse for him when the teacheress gets out a wooden brush. he falls down on the ground: "i cant take it teacheress, please no more." "this is your punishment pupil. so take it." and again comes the brush down and the pupils fall over so he gets some hard slaps at least for the final punishment before he is sent away!

clip duration: 07,40 mins. german language! MPEG4 FULL HD 1920 x 1080 px size! 4000 kBit/s. Super Great Quality!

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