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The Strict Officer Part 4 Caning (FULL HD) - Nemesis

1/21/18 7:10 AM8 min247 MBmp41080p
Price8.49 EUR


well here we are already with the final part of our strict officer series starring cruel officer nemesis.

after the prisoner has to lick her pumps clean, was misused as a human ashtray and whipped and flogged all over in the first three parts its time now for some more pain as officer nemesis gets out a new cane with a nice grip. she seems to be pretty satisfied with it when making some tests strokes, so she starts to cane the slave from both sides so he gets strokes all over his naked ass. as she starts she was not too hard with him, but in between the punishment she increased the power of her strokes. she also used another cane that is a lil thicker thant the first one and she also did some cruel fake strokes when she swished the cane through the air while her victim expected the pain. and she love to do this cuz its a funny game with pain!

in the end her prisoner is marked very nicely on his bare bottom with a lot of red lines!

german language! clip duration: 08.13 mins. MPEG4 FULL HD 1920 x 1080 px size! 4000 kBit/s. Super Great Quality!

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