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Ssbbw Emma
Ssbbw Emma
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Checking My Sugar Levels

2/12/23 5:18 AM4 min618 MBmp41080p
Price4.99 EUR
CategoryBBW - Ssbbw


Summer Marshmallow is one of my closest fellow fat friends and she's also a diabetic, so she's my go to when I have questions about diabetes. As a pre-diabetic, a hedonist, and just a fat blob, it's important for me to be prepared for what may come in my future. Summer being the wonderful friend she is offered to help check my sugar while we were together! She had noticed I was eating a lot and downing a ton of sugar the whole week. She brought it up to me and I was pretty curious myself so I took her up on it. I can't lie, I was extremely turned on by having it done, and I was secretly hoping the number would be really high. I'm excited to be with her again so she can check it after I challenge myself to eating more sugar and raising my levels. ;)

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