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Grappling Girls in Action
Grappling Girls in Action


6/17/20 12:15 AM8 min755 MBmp41080p
Price8.99 EUR


Lora brings her gorgeous 185 pound friend Lisa with her as she grapples with Marco. After watching Lora in action, Lisa decides she wants to try it out. The curvy beauty manages to use her size advantage to overpower the athletic Marco by using grapevines and wrapping her massive thighs around his head. Lora displays her athletic ability by applying scissor holds from crazy angles and no matter what trick Marco tries to pull out of his sleeves, he ends up being squeezed out by Lora. Holds include Headscissors, Side Headscissors, Triangles, Grapevines, Chokes, Bodyscissors and much more.

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