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Grappling Girls in Action
Grappling Girls in Action
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1/28/25 8:19 AM15 min1313 MBmp41080p
Price15.99 EUR


Amazon Aiden, 5’11”, 190 pounds is a professional bouncer and makes her debut against Pee Wee Harold and Raymond. She toys with Harold and picks him up with ease and crushes him with her long and thick legs. Despite this being her first wrestling match, she seems to be enjoying herself immensely!!  The Harold match consists of the first 11 minutes and Raymond steps in for the remainder of the clip. The holds in the Pee Wee Harold match include Headscissors, Lotus Hold, Schoolgirl Pins, and Bodyscissors. The holds in the match vs Raymond include Headscissors, Schoolgirl Pin, and Grapevine.

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