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Princess Nathalia
Princess Nathalia
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Scuba Masterbation Mishap

8/29/24 12:59 AM15 min2552 MBmp44k
Price15.49 EUR


Nathalia is ready to try out her new scuba tank! She hooks it up, puts it on, puts on goggles and dives under the water to experience her first scuba orgasm! She starts by stripping off her bikini, running her hands between her legs and across her chest. She throws her head back as she moans in pleasure. All is well, with Nathalia having multiple orgasms. All of a sudden her tank stops releasing air. But it feels too good, Nathalia can’t stop. Even though she NEEDS to surface for air soon, her hand between her legs is all she can focus on. Nothing else matters. But her body needs air. She grasps at her face, clawing for relief. Before  harshly Inhaling and exhaling the water. Her body gives up and her limbs float.

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