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Princess Nathalia
Princess Nathalia
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Nathalias Prom Day Pool Fall

9/26/24 7:50 PM12 min1251 MBmp41080p
Price12.49 EUR
CategoryWet Look


Before prom, Nathalia steps outside to admire the beautiful sunset. While looking up, she accidentally walks knee deep into her swimming pool! As Nathalia goes to remove her heels and throw them on shore, she loses her balance and falls the rest of the way in! Soaking her hair and outfit. Nathalia gives in, swimming around in her dress and pantyhose. After some time of enjoyment and smoothing out her silly dress, Nathalia gets out of the pool to remove her dress and falls back in! The water is too convincing, Nathalia decides she would rather be home tonight swimming in stockings and a bikini than at any prom! 

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