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Belly Busting
Belly Busting
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12/27/21 5:35 PM21 min1273 MBmp41080p
Price20.99 EUR


Lexus and her friend Phoenix are back from a night out where they had a lot to drink and eat. Phoenix looks at Lexus and tells her that her belly is becoming softer. Lexus is a bit pissed about this and begins to reply back to Phoenix. Phoenix lifts the shirt  totally expose Lexus belly to prove she's right about what she was saying. Phoenix decides she has had enough and she begins the beating on Lexus, using her belly as target, punishing her with punches all over her exposed middle and while doing that she taunts about her weak soft belly. Lexus begin to feel sick to her stomach, asking Phoenix to stop to beat her belly because her stomach can't take more, but Phoenix doesn't stop and beats her belly more and more, until Lexus drops on the floor unable to take more. Lexus saying she's going to get sick. Lexus gets punched with a full belly while on the couch in one of the more vulnerable positions to get punched. Lexus gets a red belly she gurgles/burps when she feels sick from the punches in the stomach from Phoenix. 

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