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Spartan Women’s Productions
Spartan Women’s Productions
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Cruel and Unusual Ep 4 Latin Takeover “Make you my Bitch” Candy vs Amber (ENGLISH SUBTITLES)

2/12/23 4:59 PM21 min2997 MBMP41080p
Price20.99 EUR


The two women agree to an oil match and by how intense both women are you can tell that this is going to be a hot match. Amber takes control first overpowering Candy and putting her in various holds. Camel clutch, matchbook pin hold, leg hook pin and various stretches. You can see Amber with an evil grin as she’s enjoying herself as she stretches and dominates Candy both their bodies glistening in the heat of the battle she claims that she’s going to make Candy her bitch. Candy doesn’t take too kindly to this claim and mounts an epic comeback of her own. She doesn’t get even she gets ahead and with various holds starts to completely exhaust Amber. Candy is relentless and sadistic in the way she enjoys taunting Amber as she reduces her to a rag doll on the oiled mat and stretches and plays with her body in multiple pins and humiliating holds. To add to the humiliation remembering what Amber said she constantly tries to get Amber to admit that she is in fact Her bitch.. watch to see if Amber succumbs to such a humiliating demand this one is Hot!!

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