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Spartan Women’s Productions
Spartan Women’s Productions
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Veve Lane Vs Luci Revenge or Repeat

7/14/24 2:47 AM14 min2118 MBmp41080p
Price14.49 EUR


The last time these two faced off it was Veve Lane spoiling Luci's return. Since then however Luci has been all over and taking on anyone and any big name with wins over Lora Cross, Kat Vanwylder and others. Some of her wins are complete routs of her opponents and now she's back with a vengeance to take on Veve Lane. Veve is one of the absolute best to do it however and she manages to skillfully wrap Luci up in slithery snake like movements trying to wear down and exhaust her. in the end the victor is in complete control leaving her opponent void of air and energy helpless and pinned. This hot battle includes a lot of breath play, smothering, and even wrestling pins

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