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Mean famous girl humiliate goth slut

4/3/23 1:37 PM11 min1268 MBmov1080p
Price12.99 EUR


This is the most hardcore movie I've made so far and my first movie with Domme pissing on me!
Evil Woman is here mean and the most popular girl at our university. She invited me to her house for a party but it turned out to be a prank! She roast me as a goth slut with bad reputation and small tits; undressed me and took a pics of me naked to blackmail me! Since then I must accept everything she did to me or she show it the whole university! She taped my mouth and my hands behind my back. She kicked me, humiliated me, pissed on me, spat on me, wrote on me demeaning words and showed me I'm just a trash while I was crying. At the end mean girl used dildo to fucked my throat.

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