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Lalo Cortez and Vanessa
Lalo Cortez and Vanessa
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Sore loser revenge | humiliation VORE - Lalo Cortez

4/2/23 12:00 PM8 min1303 MBmp41080p
Price8.99 EUR


Lalo thinks he’s made a tiny friend and makes him watch a soccer match together. He tries to be all friendly, shares his food and drink although the little man is scared and remains silent. You see, he has many family members who did not survive to tell the tale of the time they spent with Lalo - so he’s not watching the match; he’s more focused on the giant he has sitting next to him and how he’s in a hopeless situation. 

He’s trying to think of ways to escape, but he can’t focus due to all of Lalo’s abrupt gestures watching the game. He stays still, trying not to irritate him. 

The match goes by and at the very last minute; Lalo’s team loses! He’s furious. Even more so because the little man, who he thought was his friend, can’t help but expel a nervous laughter at the sight of such a powerful giant being such a sore loser. 

Lalo decides he’s actually not his friend and now he must pay for laughing at him like that. “What a pathetic waste of space” he thinks to himself. 

He must suffer. He comes up with a bunch of ways to make him pay for what he just did - he hits him with his massive cock and hands, insults him, burps on him, sits on him with his bare ass, crushing parts of his limbs and, eventually… decides to devour him alive, not before teasing him with his enormous mouth, sharp fangs, and God like tongue. 

Sore losers are the worst giants you could encounter… better stay silent next time…

Shot using a canon g7x mark iii and an iPhone 12. 1st and 3rd person footage. MP4.

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