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Lalo Cortez and Vanessa
Lalo Cortez and Vanessa
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Giant Inspector humiliation VORE and CRUSH - Lalo Cortez

5/29/23 12:05 PM8 min1257 MBmp41080p
Price8.49 EUR


Lalo, the giant inspector, found 4 little people around his office. He's investigating a top secret case and he's not happy about having found all these tiny little spies. He's unsure about what to do with them as they are quite little, so he grabs his magnifying glass to double check who they are...

They seem to be working for an enemy of his, and he thinks they've taken a shrinking potion, causing them to become this little, so he cannot spare their lives... They can hide too easily because of their size.

He decides that the 4 of them will have different fates: the first, he takes up to his mouth... He's decided the best way to get rid of him is by swallowing him... he decides to have a taste first and he's baffled at how tasty he is. He decides to give him a tour of his enormous wet mouth, teasing him before he becomes his prey...  His sharp teeth crush him into pieces and he is swallowed alongside Lalo's saliva... 

He's having more fun than he thought he would. He's actually feeling horny... humiliating little people has now become his new favorite thing. So as for the second... well, he thinks he might be better prey for his dick... he puts him inside it and starts rubbing one off until he is now gone... 

The third little spy is put under his feet. He exposes his bare soles to him and teases him... before crushing him alive! Better be safe than sorry - the more he pushes his weight into the little spy, the more he's sure that he'll not make it, so he makes sure to put ALL of his weight on top of him, crushing him completely. 

As for the third... well... Lalo has yet another plan. He's going to crush him with his bare ass. He feels like that might be a win win situation as he can go finish rubbing one off afterwards due to how horny crushing a little man on his butthole will make him feel, but he'll also be certain that he'll perish from the weight of his muscular ass. 

The video finishes with Lalo crushing the last little man alive and him leaving to go masturbate in his bathroom. 

Shot using a canon g7x mark iii. Incredible 1st and 3rd person footage. MP4. 

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