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Lalo Cortez and Vanessa
Lalo Cortez and Vanessa
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Unaware gentle giantess finds you during her travels - Lalo Cortez and Vanessa

9/17/23 12:00 PM8 min929 MBmp41080p
Price7.99 EUR


The backstory: You saw Vanessa packing and didn't hesitate. You got into her backpack as you could not resist the temptation of following her. She did not notice you whilst traveling and did not know you came with her. She has a series of conferences around the world and you're planning on traveling with her to spy on her and admire her amazing physique. She towers over you and you're obsessed with her. However, she's not aware of your presence. 

You're trying to adjust yourself to her new hotel room. It's all so big... you can't help but be afraid of the environment as you're so tiny... about the size of a grain of rice! You hear footsteps as you explore the bathroom. It's her. She must have come in while you're exploring and you did not notice her. She's singing. She hops in the shower and removes her bikini. She was clearly at the pool for a bit. She's looking very tanned. You spy on her as she cleans every inch of her enormous, massive body. It's so impressively big. You know that even her finger could easily crush you. 

As she's cleaning herself with a towel, she turns over and spots you to your surprise. But she's not upset. She's caring. She could have stepped on you and on the contrary to your belief, she's happy that you wanted to come with her on her travels and wants to keep you safe. She reminds you of how bold and courageous you were following her... she's happy you came with her. She tickles you and kisses you. And proceeds to take you to the room with her. She tells you that she's been feeling lonely on this trip... 

She's speaking as you stare at her. You can almost see her pussy from underneath her towel but you're pretending to listen to what she says. All of the sudden she licks you! Is she going to eat you? Thankfully not, she's just kidding. 

She tries to come up with a solution on how to keep you safe during her travels. As she turns, unknowingly she shows you her naked pussy and butthole, straight to your face. Thankfully, your dick is so small that she won't notice the boner and continue to think of you as her tiny friend. 

Eventually as she continues to search for a solution, she finds a backpack. She plans to safe keep you, and bring you with her wherever she goes. Thank God you're portable and fit perfectly. You can spy on Vanessa with her consent from now on. 

Shot using a canon g7x mark iii. NATURAL LIGHT. 1st and 3rd person footage. MP4.

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