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Lalo Cortez and Vanessa
Lalo Cortez and Vanessa
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Unaware stepmom giantess cooking crush and vore - Lalo Cortez and Vanessa

10/2/23 12:00 PM15 min1748 MBmp41080p
Price14.49 EUR


The backstory: Your friends are over. They decide to shrink to spy on your hot stepmom while she bakes a cake for everyone without her knowing - you reluctantly decide to join them. "Bottoms up" - All of you take the potion you brewed in your bedroom and all of the sudden you can feel your whole body tingling. You feel all of your limbs contract and all of the sudden, you're about the size of a coin. You make your way over to the kitchen and decide to separate. 

Your stepmom is on the phone with her friend Sandra. The three of you go to her and hide so she doesn't see you: even though she towers over you right now, might as well hide and be silent just in case. The three of you watch as she blissfully prepares a cake from scratch, shaking her ass in her short shorts and her thong afterwards when it gets too hot, laughing on the phone with her friend and having private conversations you overhear. 

But somewhere along the lines something goes wrong. You trip when looking at her boobs, and fall into the ingredients... Thankfully you're still alive and watch as she continues baking... but not for long.

Another one of your mates isn't quick enough to escape her too - 1st and 3rd person footage show him as the weight of her bare foot crushes him to bits.

A lesbian friend of yours is watching her too... She is mesmerized by your stepmom's perky ass as she puts the finished cake in the oven... but Vanessa trips when opening the oven, unaware that she is crushing another of her stepson's friends with her huge sexy bare ass. 

You wave in despair at her, before she puts you inside the oven, but she cannot hear you...  And all of the sudden... you're in the oven. Your worst nightmare. She sets the timer for 20 minutes, so you might have a chance of making it. 

20 minutes later, the oven beeps. You have made it... But what you're not counting on, is that she'll have a slice, immediately after removing it from the oven and with one huge gulp, you are taken away by the strength of her deep dark throat. 

... You'll eventually make it out alive. If she doesn't flush you away. 

Shot using a canon g7x mark iii. 1st and 3rd person footage throughout. MP4. 

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