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Lalo Cortez and Vanessa
Lalo Cortez and Vanessa
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Unaware giantess babysitter crush and vore - Lalo Cortez and Vanessa

10/18/23 12:00 PM12 min1364 MBmp41080p
Price12.49 EUR


Vanessa shows up to her first babysitting gig and there's no-one there. She waits and waits, pacing through the house. But it's empty. Or is it? - The family who hired her for the evening has accidentally taken a shrinking potion and they're trying to find a way out of the house. But it won't be easy whilst Vanessa is there. 

As she calls for Mr and Mrs Wyatt they do not show up... She calls a friend, to pass the the time until they get home, but she is increasingly worried about the family - They're not picking up and there are some suspicious tiny items that they seem to have left behind... The more she inspects, the scarier it gets. 

Vanessa becomes so fearful that she starts sweating and has to remove her shoes and short - it's too damn HOT and she can't focus! She calls them, and calls again... and no one is picking up! She calls her friend again, who tells her she shouldn't worry, as they most likely forgot. She reminds Vanessa that it's "easy money" like this and so Vanessa allows herself to relax on the family's couch. It's so comfy that she can't help but jump with her curvy ass on it!

Trodding through the house as only an unaware giantess can, Vanessa squashes, stomps, sits on and swallows the whole family and she DOESN'T EVEN NOTICE! The youngest is squashed underneath her dirty shoe soles... the step-dad is sat on and crushed by her big ass as she enjoys their expensive couch. As for the step-mom... well, she is unfortunately accidentally de(vore)d. Vanessa is large and in charge as she destroys their whole tiny universe and SHE NEVER EVEN NOTICES IT.

Shot using a canon g7x mark iii. 1st and 3rd person footage. MP4. 


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