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Lalo Cortez and Vanessa
Lalo Cortez and Vanessa
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Giantesses toilet slave | Pick Vanessa - Lalo Cortez and Vanessa (with Sweet Maria)

1/29/24 12:05 PM6 min682 MBmp41080p
Price7.99 EUR


So... I arrived home and went straight to the toilet today. I had Mexican yesterday and my stomach was hurting me since I left for work. But as soon as I looked at the toilet seat, I found something unexpected: a tiny man, so small I could barely see him. 

I knew there was a shrinking virus going around, but I had no idea whoever caught it would become THIS small - I completely tower over him, he's smaller than a coin! The worse thing is that he shrunk when - I assume - he least wanted to, when using the toilet! So now he's stuck in there!! He can't come out...

Soooo... I called my roommate in to decide what we'd do with him - we discussed in detail what we're gonna do to him and then we let him pick which one of us would turn him into their slave. I decided it was about time I had my own toilet slave so I was glad he picked me. Even more glad because that Mexican made my IBS particularly bad today... He's gonna be swimming in a pool of my dung and piss when I'm done, licking my ass so it's super clean, and all he'll be able to breathe are my stinky farts. I'll make him think I will be flushing him and that the awful experience is over... but instead, I'll keep him in there without flushing until he can make it out from how big the pile I've created has gotten. That'll teach him. 

Shot using a canon g7x mark iii. 1st and 3rd person footage. MP4.


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