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Lalo Cortez and Vanessa
Lalo Cortez and Vanessa
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Bad breath cheating revenge - Lalo Cortez and Vanessa

8/11/24 12:00 PM6 min776 MBmp41080p
Price7.99 EUR
CategoryBad Breath


Vanessa had been seething ever since she discovered that Lalo, her boyfriend of years, had been cheating on her. The reason was as absurd as it was hurtful: he was tired of her bad breath. Instead of discussing it with her, he chose to find comfort in someone else. Consumed by anger and a need for justice, Vanessa invited Lalo over, pretending she wanted to talk things through. When he arrived, she lured him into a false sense of security before tying him up and duct-taping his mouth shut. Lalo’s eyes widened in shock as he realized he was trapped, unable to speak or defend himself.

With his mouth covered, Vanessa took her revenge. She leaned in close, breathing heavily in his face, letting him experience the very thing he had criticized her for. Her eyes burned with intensity as she spat on him, letting the saliva drip down his face, pooling over his nose and cheeks and licking him all over with her white bacterial tongue. She took pleasure in watching him squirm, making him endure what he had deemed unbearable. Each spit was a reminder of his betrayal and her newfound power over him. 

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