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Lalo Cortez and Vanessa
Lalo Cortez and Vanessa
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Rogue cop bound prisoner vore - Lalo Cortez

11/23/24 12:01 PM7 min844 MBmp41080p
Price8.99 EUR


Lalo is a rogue cop, who was hired to get rid of unwanted prisoners sentenced to severe punishments.

You wake up unable to move. You notice that you are being duct taped and that you’re handcuffed to a chair. You are made to open your mouth wide for a bandana to be inserted in your mouth so you can’t scream. It seems like you’re the chosen prisoner today…

Lalo tells you all about his sinister plans to leave absolutely no evidence of you… He burps in your face and shows you his mouth in great detail. He licks his lips while he approaches you… Man, he clearly loves his “job”. And you seem like such a tasty snack…

The camera shifts to a 3rd person pov, where you can see Lalo and his extended bloated belly, delightfully licking his fingers and patting his hairy belly while he burps. 

He rubs his hands on his huge stomach and contemplates whether or not he still has room for another prisoner while he asks you to stop moving from inside him…

1st and 3rd pov.

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