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Air BnB Accident

11/25/23 5:26 PM21 min2464 MBmp41080p
Price19.99 EUR


Title: **Air BnB Accident!**

So I sent my house out as an Air BNB durring Thanksgiving, and this year when I got home I went to my computer and sat down to start working! I was crazy gassy from all the leftovers I have been eating and I damn nearly ruined my new Pink Panties! About 6-7 hours into sitting and farting I stood up to use the bathroom and when I got back I found what appeared to be a small man duct taped to my seat! I asked him how he got there and he told me that his family taped him up and left him behind! They told him he was 21 years old and had to leave the nest somehow! I told him that they made a big mistake! Hahah I think Ill keep this little guy around! I mean! He was super comfy to sit on! An I didnt smell any of my farts! Guess he was just breathing them all in before they ever reached me!

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