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Smoking Tires STUCK With Extreme Revving And Driving COMBO

9/11/24 9:19 PM15 min1643 MBMP41080p
Price29.49 EUR


Would you all BELIEVE that this entire video was based on a truth or dare game?! Well, my friend of 10 years played this crazy game with me (which I promised I will NEVER play again) and I chose dare! She goes ahead and dares me to throw my precious Lexus in the deep mud and come out in 15 min! That SURELY did NOT happen! As a matter of fact, my SUV got crazy crazy STUCK and I got the smoking tires to prove it! I panicked as I truly underestimated the deep ass mud! I do everything within my power to put my engine in its paces to get out! There is PIP, extreme revving and flooring madness all in one! I eventually got free but my poor car was dealt with!

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