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Miss Jeanette Alex
Miss Jeanette Alex
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Paralytic SensationSD

7/22/24 10:51 AM15 min111 MBmp4360p
Price12.49 EUR


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It all starts with Jeanette cleaning and thinking about how certain things upset her. She begins to rub her belly, feeling as if an alien is moving inside her, as if it wants attention, causing her belly to move and pulse as though her heart is beating so intensely that she can even hear it. Intrigued and surprised, she somehow returns it inside. Regardless of whether it's good or bad, she lies down, unfastens her dress, and gives her full attention to watching the alien make her belly spin and play with her navel. When she decides to gently insert a finger inside, creating strange, orgasmic sensations as before, she even notices that she can interact with it, asking it to move. Jeanette starts to enjoy telling it to move either slowly or quickly, pressing on her navel lightly and firmly. After the climax, she is in a better mood. Eventually, she begins to wonder whether this is some kind of parasite that feeds on sexual intention through her belly, and whether it enjoys creating sensations in her belly as much as she does.

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