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Sophie Little
Sophie Little
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POV: My professor knows best

1/17/25 1:01 AM14 min509 MBmp4720p
Price15.99 EUR


Sophie has been getting behind in her classes. She just can’t seem to keep up. Her professor invites her to his house for some 1:1 tutoring, and she’s willing to do anything to not flunk out. Sophie isn’t sure about his methods… but she can’t get kicked out of university. He humiliates her, spanking her until her bum is beat red, making her repeat the things she’s doing wrong. He even gives her time out! She has to pee so bad.. she can’t hold it any longer.. but her time out isn’t done.. she has a terribly embarrassing accident all over her panties and the floor. Her red bottom exposed and a puddle on the floor she is humiliated. Well her professor knows just the thing to make her feel better. He puts her in a pull-up and gets her to suck on a paci, treating her just like the lil girl she is. Maybe his methods aren’t so bad…

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